Inner Magic
Creativity. It can seem so elusive sometimes; especially the times we crave it the most. It’s like trying to connect with your inner magic, reaching down inside yourself in hopes to release a burst of starlight when all that materializes is a crackle of sparks at your fingertips that sputters into nothing as quickly as it arrived. And you’re left feeling dismayed and even more frustrated. [Can you tell I’ve been reading a lot of fantasy recently? Sarah J Maas and Carissa Broadbent are rockstars]
The thing is: the moments when I really connect with my inner magic are euphoric. When I find creativity flowing through my veins and rushing out my pen like a wand weaving magic of its own accord. It’s the times when I let the fear and anxiety of not being able to connect with my magic that, ultimately, dampens the light to inevitably sputter it out. And the more desperately I reach for it, the more it seems to shrink away.
What I’ve learned from these magical creatures in these fantasy worlds is that I need to lean in to that fear, anxiety, anger – or whatever negative emotion is blocking my reach – and learn to use it, wield it, succumbing to that part of me.
There is no use in me ignoring or pretending those parts don’t exist in my depths, so when the fear creeps in, I will learn to use it, understand it so it can become part of my magic, too.