Writers Block
I think perhaps I need a change of scenery or I’m going to end up writing about the same thing all the time. I wonder if going into work will spark a bit more curiosity and creativity, or will it be completely draining?
I’ve got quite a lot of ‘peopling’ to do today. That’s good [she tells herself as Luna snuggles up closer to me trying to hide under blankets – symbolizing exactly how I’m feeling]. I like people and its team meetings and appraisals. Okay, how can we turn this into a positive? I can put my coaching skills to the test.
God, I don’t feel like writing. I don’t have any clever ideas or humorous quips. I’m very aware I’m talking shit just to try and unblock whatever blockage is blocking right now. It doesn’t feel great and no genius ideas are coming to me. Maybe I only get a certain amount of creativity per 24 hours and I used up too much of it last night – putting a drain on the resource this morning?
Maybe this thought is going to send me into a panic? Is it better to flex the muscle every day or is it better to rest the creative parts of me?
And then the fear sinks in: if I can’t write a journal entry first thing in the morning, how the hell can I become a writer full-time?!
Oh and there is the big dramatic statement, brandishing it’s way up and out of the murkiness of my morning brain.
Hello, Self-Doubt, good to see you again [or not].