First World Non-Problems

DUM-DUM-DUMMMM! [This is meant to represent harrowing dramatic piano music]. Day 25 of a 26-day menstrual cycle. My body feels achy and slow and swollen. I’ve got a hyrox class booked in 3 hours’ time, which my mind is already coming up with 158 excuses no to go. Although, my mind feels like sludge this morning so the excuses are more like a toddler wailing that they’re tired instead of realising they could just be going to sleep.

And it’s on mornings like this that I am grateful for only having my toddler-brain-tantrums to deal with and not living breathing human beings to care for. Even Luna, has opted to stay curled up in her own bed, somehow understanding that me and my inner torment are to be avoided at all costs today. And now the oven is beeping when I’m not quite ready for the sweet potatoes on toast breakfast I purposely cooked and set the timer for [apparently with almond butter, cinnamon and honey, it’s a great source of magnesium and iron – and let’s face it, I’ll take any kind of help this morning]. I’ve also realised I don’t have enough bread even though I did a thorough weekly shop yesterday.

And now my mind is singing ‘procrastination’ to the tune of that one-hit-wonder Fascination.

And that pretty much sums up the ramblings of what feels like a mad woman.

Mayble I’ll title this: First World Non-Problems.


But what have you even accomplished?


Day 20. First Quarter. January 7th.