A broken umbrella
Not meaning to make it all doom and gloom but oh GOD I just want to crawl back under the duvet and sleep. It feels like there’s a lot on for Day 2 – aka the day of no hormones and high blood flow with stomach cramps thrown in.
Okay, time to get my Big Girl Pants on. The one thing I don’t have to get done today and could actually remove from my schedule, is the one thing I’m really looking forward to and will bring energy and joy into my day: Bouldering with my girlfriends. [Side note – this isn’t the only thing I could have removed]
I’ve checked in with myself and envisioned not going and opening up that space in my day for duvets instead and it didn’t feel like a relief – I felt agitated at that thought. I think girl time is exactly what I need.
I just need to prepare for the weather, which is something I learned from Maisie Hill. If it’s raining, I’d dress appropriately. So how can I dress appropriately* to look after myself during a day of uncontrollable bleeding and pain and low energy?
I can quite literally dress appropriately, making sure I’m comfortable and feeling good in myself in stretchy leggings and tying my hair back into cute space buns. I can bring snacks, a thermos of coffee and painkillers. I can also be sure not to rush from one activity to the next by setting myself curfews.
In hindsight, I could have reached out to my friends and told them all of the above and instead gone for a walk and a coffee. This would have fulfilled the need for girl-time and companionship but not have worn my body out. Somehow, I couldn’t even comprehend this.
Turns out I didn’t ‘dress appropriately’, I brought a broken umbrella out in a thunder storm. So, forcing myself to go against my body’s needs made the next few days extremely tough…